Kwizda Agro organizes the TRICO® FORESTRY CAMPUS: Developing climate-fit forests requires dialogue of scientists worldwide
International Forest Policy Meeting shows the need for international networking of stakeholders. In June, Kwizda Agro organizes the TRICO® FORESTRY CAMPUS to contribute to the dialogue of experts from North America and Europe.
Vienna, May 2, 2022 – "Current damaged areas after forest fires and bark beetle calamities provide the opportunity of a reforestation following holistic strategies which contribute to climate-fit and resilient forests. This requires a stronger international networking of scientists and an intensive dialogue between all stakeholders," says Catalina Bardewyk, head of the "New Technologies" division at Kwizda Agro. This is one of the results of the International Forest Policy Meeting from April 27th to 29th, which is organized every two years by the European Forest Institute, the University of Wageningen and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. At the event, the participants discussed, among other things, the numerous effects of climate change and possible solutions, one of which were forests: they reduce pollutants and CO2 in the atmosphere, have a protective function in extreme weather events, are a renewable resource as well as a habitat for numerous plants and animals. With the TRICO® FORESTRY CAMPUS from June 7th to 9th in Kitzbühel, Kwizda Agro provides a forum to support an international networking of forest stakeholders.
Forest fires and bark beetles have caused enormous damage in Austria as well as in Europe and North America. “In reforestation and forest development, the interests and ideas of all stakeholders must be brought together. Because successful reforestation and forest development contribute to achieving the goals set by politics and society. If an integrated strategy is successful and representatives from all sides are involved, we will enable ecological balance and climate-fit forests,” says Thomas Rogy, forest expert at Kwizda Agro.
Promote networking and exchange
Kwizda Agro wants to openly discuss and initiate the numerous best-practice examples and approaches that have been suggested by various organizations and experts. The company is therefore organizing the TRICO® FORESTRY CAMPUS in Kitzbühel from June 7th to 9th, 2022.
“With the event, we want to connect experts from the fields of forestry and timber management, hunting, science, politics and NGO from North America and Europe. This should enable a better networking and establish a long-term dialogue about sustainable forest development towards climate-fit forests," says Bardewyk. "We are pleased to be able to make a contribution with the TRICO® FORESTRY CAMPUS."
Three decades of expertise
The Austrian family company Kwizda Agro wants to contribute its own forest expertise to the international dialogue about reforestation. This includes strategies and measures for deer-friendly forest management and here in particular by using repellents. An example is TRICO®, which is based on the active ingredient sheep fat and which Kwizda Agro developed together with hunters for hunters three decades ago. The product protects young trees from being browsed by deer. The company provided its experience and know-how in formulating complex substances. Today, TRICO® is already registered in Europe as well as the USA and awaits registration in Canada. In addition, Kwizda Agro is actively researching on other solutions that support successful reforestation and a healthy forest.
About Kwizda Agro
Kwizda Agro GmbH is one of the leading suppliers of chemical and biological pesticides in Austria. Kwizda Agro is part of the Kwizda group, consisting of the business areas pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical trade, agro and sealing systems. In total, over 300 employees work at the various Kwizda Agro locations. The head office is in Vienna. There are sales locations for crop protection in addition to Austria in Hungary and Romania, and for the biocides sector also in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The New Tech division concentrates on the development and international sales of proprietary and innovative biological products for forestry as well as special crops and arable farming.
More information can be found on http://www.kwizda-agro.com and https://event.trico-repellent.com .
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Further press inquiries:
Kwizda Agro GmbH
Mike Oberbichler
Mail: presse@kwizda.at
Mobile: +43 660 5068 451